2020 – A Year for Perfect Vision

Happy 2020 everyone!

What a year 2019 was… and what hope a new year always brings.

I commented to my husband that 2020 already sounded so familiar to say (usually it takes me a while to warm up to the yearly transition) and he replied: “it’s because it’s perfect vision”. And so a theme for the year was born.

2019 was a year that forced me to increase my awareness of the various “lenses” I bring into situations. My meditation and contemplative practices of two years had deepened and done what they are there to do: gently, ever so gently, continue to hold my hand as I learn to look at each moment for what it really is – not what I wish it was, not what my history tells me to see, but what is really being presented to me today – no lenses, just 20/20 vision.

And importantly, this doesn’t mean “perfection” but rather the opposite: a focused vision that allows today just to be itself; not always predictable, not always comfortable, but always on our side when we pay attention.

20/20 vision not only gives us permission but often requests that we respond with “I don’t know” to many situations. And it is at that moment that life cracks open just enough for something new to finally happen. This is the “perfect” part of 20/20 vision.

2020 is going to be a big year. Lots of moments to welcome and get to know, just as they are, and lots of chances to practice saying “I don’t know”. And when you do, immediately stop and listen. With practice, I am confident that you will hear exactly what you need to hear.

Here’s to all of us, together, not always knowing… and seeing the opportunity in that.

With love and health,

Teri Rose, MS, LN

Photo by Karl Fredrikson: He writes “We spent the afternoon in one of the largest slums in Manila, Philippines. What a contrast this girl was to the landfill she inhabited.”


  1. Teri Rose, MS, LN Post author

    Joy, that sounds like a really nice goal for 2020. Reminds me of the quote “for better or worse yesterday has ended but what I do have is the upcoming 24 hours”. Excited to continue working with you, too!

  2. Joy Hintz

    Great post and a great way to look at things. I love the part about letting today just be itself. It’s so easy to get pulled into thinking about the past or feeling overwhelmed for the future. One of my goals for 2020 is to definitely be more mindful of today and what I can achieve ‘for today’. I look forward to working with you and fellow CARE-ites in 2020.

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