To Get Support, Ask for Support

To Get Support, Ask for Support

Asking the first question is always the hardest, but the spark you get back makes it worth it.

In November, I made the decision to transition the Perfectly Produce web site and CARE program to a brand new learning management system. I knew going in that I had limited (very limited) web skills, but I knew I had to make the change or I would face the same limitations in 2016 that I had faced to-date. So I took the plunge.

I had no idea at the time of that decision how much learning I had just committed myself to. I have read more about web development in the past four months than I ever thought I would in an entire lifetime.

But I did because I had to for the change I wanted to make. As frustrated as I got, I knew I was being challenged because of a choice I made. A choice that I could define the value of – its purpose. I could because I wanted to.

This experience also put me in my first situation of learning something remotely and having to reach out for help on a forum. The team of developers that created the learning platform were there (on the intimidating support forum) to help me solve my issues.  But I didn’t take advantage of that right away.

Rather, it was only after spending three full days trying to research something on my own, without a remote whiff of success, that I finally raised my hand and realized I wasn’t taking advantage of the incredible knowledge base I had available to me.

So, I logged into my account and vulnerably posted my first question. I assumed I would sound completely stupid and the developers would wonder why I was even attempting any part of this site project on my own. I assumed other users of the forum would also think my questions were ridiculous.

But I had no other choice.  I needed help, I had resources available, so I posted my first question. Within one day I had my first reply and my first life line to the overwhelming project I had taken on. Immediately when I read the response I felt relief.  There was nothing but a genuine desire to be helpful from the developer that responded.  Within minutes of receiving that reply I had a starting point to effectively tackle my issue.  That spark empowered me to regain my footing and feel confident again.

I am still responsible for applying the knowledge to my own site, the developer and forum support doesn’t do that for me, but that little nudge to point me in the right direction is significant in my success.  I use that support weekly now and I should since I pay for it.

When people ask me what is my biggest priority is for the CARE community my answer without hesitation is “making it comfortable for a member to ask their first question”.



Teri Rose, CARE Nutritionist, and one of us waiting to help on the CARE support forums 


  1. Joy Hintz

    Wow! You are living my life right now:) I’ve decided to make a career change that has involved learning new skills – namely computer skills that can be overwhelming, frustrating and intimidating (to me anyway). I’m also learning online, on my own. I know there are tons of resources out there but I didn’t want to seem ‘stupid’ or like I “didn’t belong” so I didn’t use them. After wasting a lot of time and feeling very discouraged, I finally reached out – and was amazed by the support, knowledge and community that was out there. As you said, it is still up to me to learn, change and make those choices to put in the effort to make the changes I want but it’s so much easier knowing there is support out there. I didn’t relate that experience to CARE until reading this but it really applies. Why are we all trying to work the program and make changes ‘alone’ when there is a community right here to support us? What great insight. Thanks:)

    1. Teri Rose, MS, LN Post author

      Joy, it’s interesting, isn’t it, that people are so often our most valuable resource yet we are so hesitant to tap into it that knowledge. I hope seeing CARE in this same ways helps make you feel even more connected (and supported) now. :)

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