Essential for setting up any sized kitchen, within any budget
Essential for prepping all this gorgeous produce!
Many cooking frustrations in the kitchen can be easily solved with the right tools. Trying to cook each night or prep for the week with just a dull knife, one bowl, and a small saucepan would frustrate even the most seasoned and committed cooks. There is a shortlist of essential kitchen gadgets that will ease your efforts.
I have spent hours in my own kitchen wading through products that ease produce prep. Though none of them do the cooking for me, my favorites do offer such a huge assist that I truly wouldn’t cook as much as I do without them.
The great news is that whole foods don’t require expensive, high-tech equipment to make. The very premise of whole foods cooking is to minimize cooking to retain nutrients, flavor, and texture of these gifts from nature. They are already perfect; they don’t need elaborate food science to make them into something else.
Download the list of essential kitchen gadgets that I have personally tried and have found don’t end up in my annual donation run.
None of these items were sent to me free to try. I found all of them on my own scouring the likes of Target, TJ Maxx (I don’t care if my peeler is last year’s color), Costco, and Bed Bath and Beyond. They also came from years of watching my own mom and grandmothers cook from scratch.
I hope the attached list gives you inspiration from stocking stuffers to gifts worthy of Santa! If you have another beloved must-have in your kitchen, please share! I love exploring new ones!